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Best Friends For Frosting is turning 3, and we’ve decided that the best way to celebrate is to reintroduce ourselves to our new and long-time readers! We’ve been looking forward to posting an Editor’s Letter and telling you all about the exciting developments and upcoming features BFFF will dive into this year. We also want to chat with you about our team and share our passions as we move forward in delivering creative, inspiring lifestyle content your way every day. To celebrate, our contributor Tessa Huff of Style Sweet made a dreamy sprinkled cake. We wish everyone could have a bite, but did you know every re-pin counts as a virtual bite? Just kidding!

Here’s what our founder Melissa has to say:

So much has changed since Best Friends For Frosting launched as a dessert website in 2011. When I started Best Friends For Frosting, I had just ditched my dream of opening my own bakery and decided to fulfill my passion online. It was fun for the first year, but as time drifted on, I realized there was a need within me that was not met. I was passionate about so much more than just dessert, and I felt like a part of me was missing from the equation. I was not bringing my full self to the table. I needed to open up about my passions, my dreams, and the things that made me tickled pink excited!!


It wasn’t until February 2013, during a collaboration we did with Isaac Mizrahi + QVC in which I paired desserts with Isaac’s new spring fashion line, that I realized the missing link: I love dessert, but I love so many other things that I just can’t push aside. I was filled with excitement that day as I realized it was possible to merge my passion for dessert with other creative genres all in one. I thought to myself that if Best Friends For Frosting covered more exciting topics than just dessert, every day of work would never really feel like work.

As I thought more and more about changing website concepts, I realized that I couldn’t be the only person who loved so many more things than dessert. I think just about everyone is multi-passionate, whether it be about interior design, recipes, style, entertaining, or some other creative aspect of life. Some things you like and some things you love, but in the end they all fall together. And if everyone was in the same boat as me, I would hate to outgrow our readers or even myself! ;) After meditating on this idea for quite a while, I reached clarity and finally realized that it was time to re-launch Best Friends For Frosting.

In July 2013, we re-launched Best Friends For Frosting as a lifestyle website that covered fun, relatable topics such as recipes, entertaining, interior design, DIY, style, and motivational speaking. We expanded our team by bringing on new contributors and outside experts who love to share their passions and enlighten our readers. West Elm hosted our fun and confetti filled re-launch party, and it was the perfect way to re-introduce our site. As I reflect, I am so happy to say that I have never once looked back and regretted the decision of re-launching. It was the best thing I could have done for my authentic self, our team, and our readers too!

As we’ve hit our 3 year mark, I wanted to re-introduce our creative team to you and recap what goes on behind the scenes at Best Friends For Frosting. I continue to creatively direct behind the scenes, as nothing makes me happier than creating and discovering fulfilling content. We have a managing editor, an editorial assistant, a communications assistant, an art director, a social media director, and more than 30 passionate contributors that write about the things we all love! I was right when I thought that a re-launch would change my definition of “work.” Every day of work never really feels like work—it feels like a new opportunity.

So, here we are are 3 years later. Where has the time gone? I am sure you are wondering what’s in store for Best Friends For Frosting this year. Well, we have a ton of exciting things on the horizon, but I can’t spill every single detail quite yet. (Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, since our scoop hits the newsletter even before it reaches the blog.) You will be the very first to know as soon as I have the green light, but for now I can tell you that 2014 will be a HUGE year of authenticity for Best Friends For Frosting. We plan on posting more exclusive content that will make you want to stay and indulge for a while. Whether it be motivational speaking, tips for blogging, entrepreneur stories, or so much more, we promise to make it good!! This year we will be working closely together and creating DIY projects with Martha Stewart, and I have also become a regular monthly contributor for BabyCenter (which was my go-to source when I was pregnant with Charlie). I will be speaking on blogging and the importance of collaborating at the Pursue Workshop next month, and I will also be creating weekly content for our Youtube channel (don’t forget to subscribe!). We are so excited to be working together with the Tastemade network, which was just acquired by Ryan Seacrest Productions.

As Best Friends For Frosting continues to grow into year #4, I want to ensure we are bringing our best selves to the table, which means hearing your suggestions. How can we serve you? What do you want to see more of? I want Best Friends For Frosting to feel like YOUR place that you can always rely on for inspiration to love your life from the inside out. Our team has created a short survey which will tell us how to better serve your creative lifestyle and help you follow your dreams. My promise to you is that we will carefully read everyone’s responses and pay close attention on how we can move forward. Please click on over to take survey HERE!

Thank you so much for being the best readers we could ever dream of. Your support, comments, and social media shares mean so much to us. I can’t wait to have another great year with all of you! We’d love to hear from you. Please drop a comment below or celebrate with us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus and Twitter.

xoxo Melissa + Team BFFF

confetti cake

Cake for Best Friends For Frosting by Tessa Huff of Style Sweet

About Melissa Johnson

My bakery experience taught me the secrets to simple baking. Now, I share easy-to-follow recipes and party ideas through Best Friends For Frosting® and my cookbook, Celebrating Everyday, simplifying everyday cooking and holiday celebrations.

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  1. 3Js says:

    Hi there… The 3 tier cake and frosting so simple yet so elegant! Just wondering if you have a tutorial video or website? Just want to know also the sizes of the cakes please. Thank you!