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Because every kitty cat should have a heart shaped nose and long eye lashes! ;)  Now that I have my own little Claire, I’ve been dreaming up party concepts that are girly in the funnest ways possible. I decided to take a step a bit outside my comfort zone and make something a little different than what I normally post.  I mean, with Halloween approaching and all, how could you go wrong with a DIY Fringe Kitty Cat Piñata! ;)



How to make a DIY Kitty Cat Piñata


-Foam presentation board or cardboard

-Flimsy presentation board



-Tissue paper

-Construction paper (hot pink, white, and black)



  1. Draw a kitty shape onto half of the foam presentation board and cut it out. Trace another kitty shape onto the other half and cut that piece out. Cut a candy hole on the back of one of the cut-outs.
  2. Cut about 3-inch-wide strips of the flimsy presentation board and tape them along the edges of each kitty cut-out. At the center point of one of the cut-outs, cut holes, and tie a string for hanging.
  3. Tape the edges of the second piece of foam presentation board to connect the piñata.
  4. Cut 2-inch-thick strips of tissue paper and fringe the edges. Glue tissue paper along the edges of the piñata first, then move to the front and back of the heart.
  5. Once covered in tissue paper cut out hot pink inner ears and a heart shaped nose. Cut out 6 even-lengthed strips of white paper for whiskers. For the lashes, draw out desired look onto black paper with white colored pencil, and cut it out. Glue on all the pieces.
  6. Fill your finished pinata with treats and have fun!

About Melissa Johnson

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1 Comment

  1. Sher says:

    This is adorable and purr-fect for the cat b-day I’m planning for my daughter. I’m hoping to attempt to make it, thanks for this fun diy and glad to discover your site! xo