DIY Me-Day Package + Printable

This post is sponsored by Godiva Masterpieces. All opinions are our own.  

Have you heard?! There is a shiny new status symbol that EVERYONE is touting…Busyness! Who else is addicted to checking off your “to do” list with a pink gel pen while continuing to still feel sooooooo “busy” 24/7?! I feel like we talk about this A LOT over here – but this topic really tugs at my heartstrings.

We live in a generation that is totally obsessed with being busy – a title that can simply earn you bragging rights. When we feel busy, we feel like we’re winning at life. You’re doing something right and maximizing your productivity, which ends up feeling like instant gratification. Insert popular Gray Malin “I am Busy” wall art here! ;)

I’ll confess, I’ve been on both sides of the fence with the “busyness” thing. I’ve been addicted to the feeling of being busy, while I’ve also experienced massive burnout and have shied away from my calendar – leaving all pages as blank as possible. Too much busy is NOT a good thing.

The dictionary references to busyness as “the quality or condition of being busy.” It’s just another way to say you’re in demand and very important. That saying, “You can do anything but not everything,” used to instantly make me feel defeated. I’ve always been entrepreneurial and addicted to the feeling of checking things off my “to do list.” I felt instant gratification from progress and getting things done. Becoming a mamma and entrepreneur all within the same year was a HUUUUGE learning experience for me, and it forced me to sloooooow down, while I’ve also had to hustle against the clock.

I had times when I felt like I could take on the world, while there have been other times I felt paralyzed by being overwhelmed. During this learning period, I struggled with picking and choosing what I truly wanted to do, finding balance, and taking care of my family and myself. But let me tell you, scheduling in frequent “me-time” has been a game changer for me!!!

When I google Self-Care, the VERY first thing that pops up is “Experts have found that good feelings can boost your ability to deal with stress, solve problems, think flexibly, and even fight disease. Taking care of your body emotionally, physically, and mentally through creating joy and satisfaction is an important part of living.”

It’s time to forget for a few hours how “busy” we are and schedule me-time. It’s time to slow down and hit the reset button. And guess what?! You’re cordially invited to a “Me-Time Date!” ;) To kick off the party, we even have a Free Downloadable Me-Time Printable! We ALL have to take time to re-charge our batteries.

So, this time around, I did something a little different. I usually go to the spa or do something solo. But, I have an envelope of birthday cash and gift cards I’ve set aside for the past 3 years to splurge with on a rainy day. This time around, I got the grand idea of making a “me-time basket” with several of my favorite things to really set the tone. I scheduled the date on my calendar and made it happen!

I ended up ordering this suuuuuper cute polka dot pom pom basket I’ve had my eye on forever and filled it to the brim with goodies. I added this book I’ve been dying to read, magazines, a candle I’ve been eyeing forever (smells so good), Godiva Masterpieces (Soo good! Each piece is crafted in the shape of a signature Godiva chocolate and filled with smooth and creamy fillings that melt in your mouth. They’re available in individually wrapped chocolate pieces or decadently filled bars and are perfect to enjoy every day), this super chic coffee traveler, and so much more!!

If there is one takeaway from today’s post, it is to encourage YOU to schedule your own check-in meeting with yourself and have some “me-time.” Busy is sooooo overrated, but self-care is the most underrated thing in daily conversations! Focus on you!



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