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Do you have a child obsessed with unicorns in your house and you’re planning a bedroom makeover? Redoing a bedroom is so fun and exciting! If you’re looking for girl’s unicorn bedroom ideas, this is just for you!

girls pink bedding

Girl’s Bedroom Ideas

Any other mamas out there feeling like their kids are growing up way too fast?! Who’s with me? It’s sort of a pinch-me moment to watch this milestone finally arrive… We FINALLY took the plunge and upgraded Claire’s toddler bed to a big-girl’s bed! I still can’t believe it! Do you remember when we posted about Claire’s nursery and then her toddler bed? Well, it was time for another upgrade! Time is just flying by and it’s been so much fun documenting the journey on this blog. Claire is growing up way too fast, but I’m so happy I can share this journey with all of you and offer some ideas and inspiration along the way!

pink picture

Girl’s Bedroom Decor

After looking at all of the kid’s beds on Pottery Barn Kids, I INSTANTLY knew I wanted the Ava Regency Bed for Claire’s room. I usually have a hard time making decisions and can be wishy-washy… but when I found this bed, it was a solid yes! I am obsessed with all its intricate details. It’s seriously so pretty! The bed was inspired by the glamorous furniture from Hollywood’s Golden Age, so the Ava Regency Collection is a classic for a reason. It displays artful curves, applique trim inserts and tapered feet, which are masterfully crafted throughout the collection to bring a cohesive look to the room. It’s overall, just such a gorgeous bed!

unicorn pillow

unicorn on blanket
unicorn on blanket

Unicorn Bedroom

Who else has a little girl obsessed with unicorns right now? Claire just can’t get enough! It’s so funny because I actually decorated Claire’s nursery with unicorns before she was born… and to this day, she just LOVES them! To pick out something extra special to go with her new bed, I sat Claire on my lap and we looked at all of the bedding sets together and she picked the EXACT same set that I thought reminded me of her most. It was such a special moment to do this together!

stuffed animal  girl holding snow globe

Unicorn Bedroom Set

The bedding set Claire chose has unicorns and rainbows, which are two of her absolute favorite things. The unicorn quilt is the perfect shade of light pink and the details are nostalgic and fun. They remind me of my own childhood in a more modernized way. We also got the unicorn sheets and pillows to match to complete the look, and Claire is obsessed!

ready book on bed   reading book

Girl’s Bedroom Set

Real life…the other night, I fell asleep in her room and slept in her bed. It’s even more comfortable than my own bed so I am not complaining! ;) Plus, I am sort of obsessed with her blanket as it’s not too hot or too cold. It’s just right!

girl jumping on bed

How to Choose a Bed Size

A few of my friends urged me to get a queen size bed when I was making this move as it works perfectly for a guest room when hosting company…but Claire’s room would have been quite snug so we ended up getting the twin size. It ended up being a great choice! I absolutely love it because she still had enough room for her Pottery Barn Kids Dresser and room for her favorite toys, like her princesses and unicorns! ;)

girl siting on bed

Bedroom Makeover Ideas

I still just can’t believe that it was already time to upgrade Claire’s bed to a big girl bed, but here we are! She had so much fun the first night she slept in her room with everything all together, and she pulled out her new favorite Ella Dress to match! Time goes by so fast, especially with little kids, but we had SO much fun picking out her bedding and accessories together to make sure it was something she would absolutely love. Are any of my fellow mamas planning to upgrade their kid’s room soon? I’d love to hear all about your plans in the comments below!

About Melissa Johnson

My bakery experience taught me the secrets to simple baking. Now, I share easy-to-follow recipes and party ideas through Best Friends For Frosting® and my cookbook, Celebrating Everyday, simplifying everyday cooking and holiday celebrations.

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